
Friday, February 04, 2011

Thank you, Mr. Cicero!

This quote by the famous Roman orator, Cicero, always gets me:

Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.

It makes me do that thing where I shake my head in agreement and giggle at how, as much as we like to think things change, they really don't. Not really. I mean, can't you just imagine seeing this quote in the newspaper, with a curmudgeonly old man shaking his finger as he talks about today's generation:

Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a blog.

Ha! I guess I just added myself to the list of the depraved by beginning this blog.

There is an odd comfort in Mr. Cicero's observation from around 2000 years ago. It sort of makes you feel that no matter how things change, no matter what new technology we find ourselves up to our eyeballs in, that really, we remain the same people. People who don't exactly have it all figured out, but sure do like to think that we do. And we like to blog about it so that everyone will know just how much we know. I know I do.

Thank you, Mr. Cicero.


The Waid Family said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

MVM said...

Oh yay! Please do blog...can't wait to read your thoughts :)